2318 State Highway
Wellfleet, MA 02667



Dennis, MA: Rebuild failed revetment, This photo shows how we use two layers of stone. The first layer protects the black filter fabric while the larger layer or armor stone breaks up the waves.  
Westport, MA
New Seabury, Falmouth: Revetment project. These photos show the before and after installation of our stone revetments. The original wall was slumped and jeopardizing the owners property. We reconstructed the wall and restored the upper slope.
We offer sand or beach nourishment services for your rock revetment or beachfront property.  
When stone revetments are not permitted by local authorities then soft solutions such as fiber logs pictured here can be constructed to help provide protection from erosion.

Towns of Harwich and Welllfeet: Two projects where vinyl sheathing was approved for use in coastal protection. In certain delicate areas where stones would take up too much room and fiber logs just don’t offer enough protection then vinyl sheathing is the way to go.
Large scale stone revetments built in Plymouth, Wellfleet and Falmouth demonstrates our ability to handle your large scale projects.

This project in Plymouth, MA shows how after stabilizing the base of the bank with stone we then can repair the upper slope with protective geo-matting. Then access stairs to the beach are constructed.  
Here is our most current project, the rebuilding of South Pamet Harbor jetty in Truro, MA.



  • "Dennis did a great job at 120 Cove View Road. Please let him know it's a wonderful thing to trust that something is going to get done basically sight unseen, and then have that trust be well placed."
    - John Sisson
  • "Thanks so much for taking such good care of us on the septic. You were right it was done with love and integrity! You're the best!"
    - Fran & JB